Bring Prosperity to your Wallet by following Feng Shui Tips

Who doesn’t love a wallet filled with money? Did you know the energy around you would bring you surplus money? Feng Shui is an art which harmonizes everything with the environment. Many of us follow Feng Shui for a clutter free and positive house, business growth, then why not Feng Shui for your wallet? Feng Shui can help in transforming your simple wallet into positive and money welcoming wallet. If this sounds absurd, then try following the tips that we suggest in this article and notice the changes immediately.

1. Receipt Free Zone:

If you want more money, apart from earning well keep your wallet free if receipts and bills. Avoid stuffing your wallet with receipts, as according to Feng Shui, the receipts show that you don’t own the money anymore, which will bring an energy of more receipts in your wallet. So, keep the wallet a receipt free zone.

2. Create a Safe Place for your wallet:

This is another important factor that Feng Shui stresses on, choose a spot for your wallet, which is silent, secure and easily reachable. Never keep your wallet inside any bag, as bags are used when you go out, by keeping it inside a bag, the energies would respond by taking the money away. So, keep in a place which you can quickly access.

3. Strict No for Empty Wallets:

According to Feng Shui, it is a strict no to keep your wallet empty. As when you load your wallet even with a small amount, you create an energy of security. And an empty wallet is a sign of fear and insecurity, which is a negative energy so it is best to avoid this by always keeping your wallet filled with some cash.

4. The Power of Color:

This is a serious matter of concern, the color of your wallet might decide the flow of your money. So next time when you purchase a wallet, check the color of it, darker shades wallet, such as red, black, royal blue, mauve bring prosperity and good inflow of money. Whereas subtle shades such as white, silver, grey carry stability and everlasting characteristics. For women, it is believed that hot pink and pink shades help in raising the level of the woman’s money and goals. Also yellow shades have strong energies of power, so to subtle the strength choosing a lighter shade of yellow would do magic to the inflow of money. As the color so is the power, golden hue wallet helps in bringing luxury and wealth.

5. Clutter Free Wallet:

If you want better cash flow, then keep your wallet organized and tidy, avoid having family photos which would create distracted energies. Also it would be best to have a separate card holder to keep all your credit and debit cards, only have money related stuffs in your wallet.

6. Say Bye Bye to an old Wallet:

As soon as you notice the weariness of your wallet, dispose them with a happy thought. A torn wallet would create financial troubles, so immediately buy a wallet with a positive attitude that would bring prosperity and good luck.